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Domestic Violence &

Civil Protection Orders


If you are a victim of domestic violence, you are not alone.  Jonhenry Law will listen to your experiences and help you to seek legal protection from your abuser if you or your children are in immediate danger.  In addition to these civil legal remedies, you are encouraged to report any violence and abuse to your local law enforcement agency to pursue criminal remedies.


What is a Civil Protection Order?  A Domestic Violence Civil Protection Order (CPO) is a civil order that imposes various restrictions on an abuser for up to 5 years.  For example, it can include orders requiring the abuser to stay away from you up to a certain distance, not contact you or limit the form of communication, turn over his or her firearms to local law enforcement, and refrain from damaging your property.  A CPO can also grant you the right to exclusive use of your home and vehicle, and it can include terms pertaining to your legal rights to your children.  Violation of a CPO is a criminal act, not just a civil contempt issue.


What is a Civil Stalking Protection Order and a Civil Sexually Oriented Offense Protection Order?  A Civil Stalking Protection Order (CSPO) and a Civil Sexually Oriented Offense Protection Order (CSOOPO) are both civil orders that can impose similar restrictions on an abuser as a CPO.  Similar to a CPO, these orders may be obtained if you are in immediate danger, have experienced physical harm or mental distress, or are a victim of a sexually oriented offense.  There are slightly different legal classifications for obtaining each type of Protection Order.  For example, a CPO may be obtained if the abuser is a family or household member, whereas a CSPO and CSOOPO do not carry that requirement.  Violation of a CSPO or CSOOPO is a criminal act, not just a civil contempt issue.


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